Washington Semester Program Information

The Washington Semester Program gives students the ability to intern full-time at an organization of their choice while still earning a full semester’s worth of credit hours. This program is non-major specific, so any undergraduate currently studying at the University of Georgia can apply. Students apply for and choose their own internships that can then be used as credit towards their undergraduate degree. While in Washington DC, students take two classes taught by UGA professors in DC; students take an elective class as well as a Washington Seminar. Students selected for the Washington Semester Program live in Delta Hall, UGA’s residence Hall in Washington, DC.

The Washington Semester Program was founded by Program Director Don DeMaria in the spring of 2008. Since then, UGA students have had the opportunity to take part in a program that many consider to be a life-changing experience.

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The UGA Washington Semester Program is a part of the UGA Office of Instruction.

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